I love the people of Los Angeles!

Honestly, I was a little scared to travel in the US as an Asian because of the aftermath of Covid. But, I received nothing but kindness and compassion from the people of Los Angeles and I am very appreciative of the help that they have given me! I could possibly meet people who are not as welcoming in the future but I am very grateful to have met wonderful people so far.


I met Jesse at my Airbnb on the very first night of my stay. He brought me to the dealer to buy my motorcycle and also helped me with getting my motorcycle insurance. He rode in front of me from the dealer all the way back to the Airbnb because I was scared. Thank you Jesse.


Mark is the owner of the Airbnb that I was staying in. He brought me around LA to see the sights. He was also instrumental in helping me get my parts and accessories. He taught me to be more firm when requesting to get things done and that helped a lot. I almost could not get my parts installed because the earliest slot they had was a week later but because he talked to them, I got a service slot the very next day. I also forgot to bring my USB charger and battery tender wire for my service appointment and he brought them there. Thank you Mark! 

2 Guys who got out of their car

I fell down at a stopped sign 2 mins away from my Airbnb and they got out of the car right away to help me pick the bike back up. Thank you 2 Guys who got out of their car.

Guy at Ralph’s supermarket

I did not take a picture of him but I would like to mention him. I was getting ready to leave the supermarket but my bike refused to start. He saw me struggling and came to help me. He got on the bike and figured out the problem right away. It turns out that my bike would not start if the kickstand is down and I did not know that because my previous bikes were never this smart. It’s a silly mistake of mine but I am so thankful he was there to help me figure this out. Thank you guy at Ralph’s supermarket.

Guy at the petrol station

It was my first time pumping petrol and I did not know the procedure. I asked a guy who was fixing the next kiosk and he came to help me straight away. He explained and showed me what I need to do. Thank you guy at the petrol station. 

Roger and Fatima

When I was riding on the Rim of the World Highway, I met Roger and Fatima at one of the viewpoints. We chatted for a while and Fatima offered to let me stay at her place if I ever visited Michocán which is in México. I just met these people and it is really touching that they would offer to help me. Thank you Roger and Fatima.


I met Tarun(guy in the middle) through Couchsurfing. When the service department told me that they could not finish installing all of my parts and accessories by the end of the day, he offered to let me stay the night at his place. On my last day in LA, he taught me how to change my engine oil and lubricate my chain. I’m also thankful towards his friend who let me use his place to service the bike(I’m sorry I spilled some engine oil on the pavement). Thank you Tarun and his friend! 

Even though my stay in LA was only a short 2.5 weeks, I met so many incredible people. Thank you everyone who helped me, I really appreciate it.

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